Kenya Promotes International Cooperation for Trade and Development
Posted on : Tuesday, 15th August 2023
In order to achieve better results for the sustainable development goals, the Kenyan government has advocated for coordinated efforts in service provision.
Dr. Juma Mukhwana, PS of the Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry (MITI), requested assistance from a UN organisation for the programme.
The relationship with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), according to Dr. Mukhwana, would assure resource expansion.
Dr. Mukhwana stated, "We again affirm our support for the Director General's continuing changes at UNIDO, particularly those focused at enhancing the Organization's overall effectiveness and results.
UNIDO encourages ethical and moral local industry production and commerce. Supply chains are critical to trade, which is critical to the generation of jobs.
Dr. Mukhwana addressed the organization's board and demanded that the UNIDO Regional Field Offices be expanded and that their Field Office in Kenya be strengthened.
According to Dr. Mukhwana, this will improve the organization's ability to carry out its operations.
Dr. Mukhwana stated, "We think that strengthening the capability of UNIDO Field Offices would further stimulate needed improvements in project coordination with national governments and policymakers, and eventually lead to improved outcomes for UNIDO."
He claimed that these changes will guarantee that the organisation ramps up its goals for the initiatives.
"In order to properly accomplish the planned goals of this ambitious initiative, we recognise the need for additional efforts and additional strategic collaborations," said Dr. Mukhwana.
According to PS, the government has launched a few initiatives using cash from the organisation and is looking to launch more to promote inclusivity and sustainable growth in the national economy.
According to Dr. Mukhwana, "We are pleased to inform the Industrial Development Board (IDB) of the recent introduction of the County Aggregation and Industrial Parks Projects in Kenya rolled out across all 47 counties in Kenya that will focus on a maximum of five agricultural products priority value chains - thus encouraging inclusive and sustainable industrial development across the whole Country."
He continued by saying that the programme would bring together all the industry players and provide participants the chance to explore other choices.
"The projects will provide a platform for multi-stakeholder engagement with the Kenyan Government while offering the private sector and development partners an opportunity to take part in Kenya's industrialization agenda," he said.
In response to the global economic and geopolitical upheavals, Dr. Mukhwana urged UNIDO to grant Sh7.31 billion to overhaul the manufacturing sector.
"We applaud UNIDO's efforts to use US$ 73.1 million in technical cooperation contributions to revitalise manufacturing activity in Africa", the official said.
Dr. Mukwana also urged the UNIDO, aid organisations, and other stakeholders to look into joint venture options with Kenya to create the 47 County Aggregation and Industrial Parks.